International Presence

The origin of Empresas Lipigas S. A dates back to the year 1950, when the first liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distributor was born in Chile.
In the last years the Company has undergone a solid growth process, expanding its presence in other Latin American countries, such as Colombia and Peru, and diversifying its offer of energy solutions for customers.
The presence of Lipigas in Chile dates back more than 60 years, being today a leading company in the distribution and sale of energy solutions in Chile.
During its trajectory activities have been focused on commercializing LPG from Arica to Coyhaique, a product that has added new energy alternatives for its customers.
In 2014 it began the distribution of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for industries, and since 2004 network natural gas in the city of Calama, in the far north of the country, incorporating from 2017, new distribution networks in the communes of Puerto Montt and Osorno, in the south of Chile.
In addition, as part of its strategy which is centered on delivering comprehensive solutions to its customers, Lipigas entered the power generation business, with the launch of its first small DG power plant (PMGD for its acronym in Spanish) of 6MW, located In Concón, Valparaiso Region, Chile.
In Peru, the company participates in the LPG and CNG markets, through its subsidiaries Lima Gas and Limagas Natural, respectively.
Lima Gas services the main cities of Peru, with a high-quality, safe and environmentally friendly product for residential, commercial and industrial customers.
Since the beginning of 2016 is added to our operations Limagas Natural Perú S.A. -formerly Neogas- joined our operations, this company is dedicated to the sale of compressed natural gas (CNG) for industrial and vehicular use.
Lipigas is present in Colombia since the year 2010, a market in which it distributes liquefied gas to residential, commercial, industrial and forklift customers, through its subsidiary Chilco with its brands Gas País for bottled LPG and Lidergas for bulk LPG. The company provides service in 24 of the 32 departments of the country.
In February 2017 Lipigas began operating in this market with its new subsidiary Rednova, created at the end of 2016, with the aim of developing the network distribution of gas business in different municipalities of the country.