About Us

Maritime Terminal at the Quintero Bay (Chile).
Satellite Regasification Plants (natural gas)
In its use as a vehicle fuel, gas is a efficient, safe, competitive and environmentally friendly alternative.
LPG storage and bottling plant
Lipigas offers electric generation to large clients. Also has a small-scale DG power plant (PMGD) with injections to the National Electrical System (SEN).
LPG for residential customers (meter and bulk with an independent home tank)
Gas, in its different formats, are used as a source of energy in various industrial processes, hospitals schools and commercial costumers.
Is an efficient option for commercial establishments that require energy for operation, such as bakeries, restaurants and food trucks.
Lipigas S.A. is a company dedicated to delivering comprehensive energy solutions to its customers, in the three Latin American countries where it currently operates: Chile, Colombia and Peru, mainly based on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and also, natural gas (GN) in different formats (network natural gas, liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas).
Gas is an efficient, clean and versatile product, attributes that make it an optimal alternative to be used in different sectors. These characteristics also allow to innovate in processes, adapting our comprehensive solutions to various types of uses (See Infographic).
Also, in the framework of its multi-energy strategy, in 2017 it entered the electrical power generation market in Chile.
Energy solutions for Latin America
In all three countries, its main business is the commercialization and distribution of LPG, which is distributed mostly in cylinders and also bulk, for clients in the residential, commercial, industrial and transport sectors.
Regarding the distribution of natural gas (GN), Empresas Lipigas S. A participates in this business in Chile and Peru.
In the Chilean market, the Company ventures in this market since the year 2004, in the city of Calama, in the north of the country, with distribution by networks to households, businesses and health establishments. In the second semester of 2017 it extended this activity to Puerto Montt and Osorno, in the south of the country, where it currently supplies clients from both cities. In Peru, Lipigas participates in the distribution of compressed natural gas (CNG) for vehicles and industrial clients, an operation developed through its subsidiary, Limagas Natural Perú.
In addition, since 2014, the Company distributes liquefied natural gas (LNG) by land, to industrial customers located in places far from networks and gas pipelines, by means of tanker trucks that transfer the product to the satellite regasification plants –known as SRP – located on the client’s premises.
Electric energy
In 2017, Lipigas launched its first small-scale DG power plant (PMGD), with the first energy injections to the National Electrical System (SEN). With 6MW of power, it uses natural gas for its operation. Its purpose is to act as a backup to the local distribution network, operating when power supply problems occur. Assed to this PGMD, located in Concón, is the acquisition in January of 2018 of 65% of Marquesa GLP SpA, with the purpose of generating electric energy to 2 mining operations in the Coquimbo region.