Sustainability Principles
Give access to cleaner energy in emerging countries

Safety first
Our main commitment is to protect the safety and health of persons on current operations and new projects.
Customer experience excellence

Our customers are at the center of our decisions. We are committed to providing solutions and services that add value to each segment, according to their needs, fulfilling their expectations and improving their quality of life.
Economic results and business development
Design strategic objectives safeguarding the values of Lipigas, allowing the long-term development of the Company dynamically matching the changing conditions in the environment.
Ethics, transparency and compliance
Promote compliance with current laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate, as well as the commitments voluntarily entered into.
Quality of employment
Promote a motivating work environment and teamwork within the company.
Prevention and mitigation of impacts to the natural environment and people
Identify and manage environmental impacts throughout the business chain, complying with current legislation and maintaining a close relationship with our stakeholders, informing local stakeholders on the impacts of our projects and the measures we adopt to lessen these effects.
Relationship with stakeholders
Establish and maintain transparent and timely dialogue and communication channels with our stakeholders, to build relationships of trust and mutual benefit, anticipating the risks that may affect them or the Company.