Empresas Lipigas signs an alliance to supply green liquefied gas in Chile

Empresas Lipigas and Omega Green S.A, a biorefinery that will produce advanced biofuels in Paraguay and belonging to Be8 Paraguay, a company of the Brazilian group leader in biodiesel production, signed an agreement on Wednesday for the future sale to the Chilean company of GLP Verde or Bio GLP that It will be available in 2026.
Bio LPG is a renewable gas produced from organic raw materials, such as vegetable oils, identical to traditional liquefied gas (LPG). Therefore, one of the great advantages of this gas is that it works in the same cylinders, with the same infrastructure and in the same appliances that already exist in homes for liquefied gas. This biofuel adds to the tests that Lipigas has been carrying out since January 2022 with renewable dimethyl ether (rDME), another gas that is also renewable and carbon neutral.
The manager of the LNG, biofuels and green hydrogen business of Empresas Lipigas, Esteban Rodríguez, highlighted after the signing of the agreement that liquefied gas will continue to be a highly consumed and relevant energy in the country. “We know that the future of gas is renewable. In this understanding, at Lipigas we are innovating and evolving to make our core business increasingly efficient and sustainable. The plan is that, with the development of increasingly cleaner energy alternatives, we will reach 2050 with an offer of 100% renewable and carbon neutral products”.